[WIN][JFE] Editor trick

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I found that the c-function list (tree at left of the editor) is really 
useful for moving in the editor.

I found that this feature can be used in euphoria with a little trick.  
In the next line of a function declaration put a comment with a {

function myfunc( )
-- {
-- }
end function

The editor automatically positions the closing } so you'll know if it 
matchs the one at the beginning of the function.

Since it checks from the beggining of the file if there are some 
sequences or function calls it might not work. This can be easily fixed 
by enclosing areas of code under a name, for example:

-- _01_includes ( ) {
include win32lib.ew
--  }
-- _02_declarations ( ) {
constant ...
-- }

Doing it this way has the added advantage that sections are shown in 
order. Display is updated when you save or when you press the update 
button, so if you don't get the intended results or get a lot of garbage 
names it's just a matter of enclosing the right block of text between -- 
name( ) {  and -- }.

I use JFE for PHP editing and it's also great.

I hope you find this useful, 

Fabio Ramirez R.
Network Administrator - CSI Universidad del Valle

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