Re: how do I do a line input in Euphoria?

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-> >this code is _totally_ untested...

-> >yes, its ugly, but it works :)

-> Actually Michael, why don't you try using the gets() function?  It
-> return= s every key pressed up till and icluding the return key.

-> If you typed "Euphoria", input would hold a sequence of ASCII values
-> pertaining to each one of the letters.  I'm not sure if it's what you
-> wanted, but I hope it helps..

Gidday Bryan :)

thanks for the suggestion... i sometimes use it, but it is limited to
only enter to stop entering data, and the other way is better to use in
graphics mode, where you can read the input, then put it to wherever you
want on the screen with, say, putsxy(), rather than having to worry
about text rows and columns...

and also, if you have a field thats, say, 10 characters long, somebody
will be able to just keep on typing past those 10 spaces, which can be
highly anoying, and looks awful.

it also is a bit about personal preference i think... if somebody
prefers a simple call to gets() and dosent need any extras, then go for

Mike Fowler - mike.fowler at
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