Re: rotate routine

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>the rotate_image() function below is something I cooked up last night
>for Einar Mogen. It rotates an image in its own space about its centre.
I do
>not think it is particularly useful, because it is not fast (and yes, I
>use look up tables, so every trig function and every multiplication is
>performed only once, but those pixel routines are a bit of a pain), and
images >come out badly mangled when rotated at angles that are not
multiples of 90
>degrees. Raster based images are notoriously difficult to rotate!

>I hope somebody will eventually find some use for it. Jiri.

I know this reply is VERY late........
But I was thinking, most programs need to have a picture of each possible
rotation, so that it can display all the rotations for the picture. (Like
a top-down racing game like Super Sprint or Micro Machines.)
If a rotate routine that works perfectly, even slowly, like those in
paint programs, were to just save the information to a look up table,
then each rotation could be accessed as if they were loaded up from the
file normally. But only one image would be needed!

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