future features.

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I don't know.  I like its simpicity now (which can be complicated at time :)
Can't wait for the win 95 version either. I'll actually install win-95 for
that!      It should put Euphoria into the main stream a bit more... Make
our programming skills more in demand.
        The .dll add in will be quite a bit to learn already,  but a
neccessity to get the most out of programming.  It will add the availability
of many rich features.  The Genesis 3d editor's routines are accessable by
dll.  So we should be able to use them right?

PS just added the entire list server archive to my system,  courtesty
LISTSERVE commands.  It makes a nice addition to my programming library.  It
would be cool to turn them all into html and put them up on a web page.

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