ed.ex - blocking functions

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Hello ALL,

        Just wanted to say HI, and let everyone know that I am VERY new to
EUPHORIA programming, but have fallen in LOVE with it.  I took on the ED.EX
as my learning tool.

        I have added a procedure to PRINT the file you are editing, I have
modified the
ESC commands to accept lower or uppper case choices,  I have also added to
the command completion procedure: global function and global procedure
commands completion.  (Not bad for about an hours work, for an AMATEUR.)

I would like to now take on the task of adding Blocking Functions, to
block of text, and either (PRINT, DELETE, MOVE, WRITE to a file or COPY)

        ANY programming tips would be appreciated.

THANKS in advance.

Sincerly Ferlin H. Scarborough.   (ferlin at scott.net)

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