ed.ex modifications

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I added a modifyIndent procedure to ed.ex to modify the indentation of a
number of lines at once.

This message include the needed code.

1) make a backup of ed.ex
2) paste this two lines to  special input characters constant

         SHIFT_TAB = 271,       -- key for block indent
         CTRL_TAB = 404         -- key for block undent

3)  add those 2 constants to CONTROL_CHARS

4) paste the following lines to edit_file()  if key = ... then

                elsif key = SHIFT_TAB then

                elsif key = CTRL_TAB then

5) paste the following code before  edit_file()

function TabsFirst(sequence line)
-- if the line start with a mix of tabs and spaces,
-- place tabs first.
-- if number of spaces >= edit_tab_width replace with tabs
integer FirstSpace, SpaceCount, j
    j = 1
    FirstSpace = 0
    SpaceCount = 0
    while find(line[j]," \t") do
      if line[j] = '\t' and FirstSpace > 0 then
        line[FirstSpace] = '\t'
        line[j] = ' '
        FirstSpace = FirstSpace + 1
      elsif line[j] = ' ' then
        if FirstSpace = 0 then
            FirstSpace = j
        end if
        SpaceCount = SpaceCount + 1
      end if
      j = j + 1
    end while
    if SpaceCount >= edit_tab_width then
        line = line[1..FirstSpace-1] &
               repeat('\t',floor(SpaceCount/edit_tab_width)) &
               repeat(' ',remainder(SpaceCount,edit_tab_width)) &
    end if
    return line
end function --TabsFirst()

procedure ModifyIndent(integer action)
-- if action = 1  add a tab at beginning of each line.
-- if action = 0 undent a tab at beginning of each line or if no tab
-- suppress a blanck.

integer first, last, tab, space, BlkCount, LoopCount
sequence inp
   inp = {1,0}
   while inp[1] do
     if action then
       set_top_line("Number of lines to Indent? (+ down, - up) ")
       set_top_line("Number of lines to undent? (+ down, - up) ")
     end if
     inp = value(key_gets(""))
   end while
   if inp[2] = 0 then
   end if
   if inp[2] < 0 then
     first = b_line + inp[2] + 1
     if first < 1 then
        first = 1
     end if
     last = b_line
     first = b_line
     last = b_line + inp[2] - 1
     if last > length(buffer) then
        last = length(buffer)
     end if
   end if
   inp = {1,0}
   while inp[1] do
     if action then
      set_top_line("Number of blancks to insert? ")
      set_top_line("Number of blancks to remove? ")
     end if
     inp = value(key_gets(""))
   end while
   BlkCount = inp[2]
   if BlkCount < 1 then
   end if
   if action then  -- indent
     for i = first to last do
       tab = floor(BlkCount/edit_tab_width)
       space = remainder(BlkCount,edit_tab_width)
       buffer[i] = repeat('\t',tab) & repeat(' ',space) & buffer[i]
       buffer[i] = TabsFirst(buffer[i])
     end for
   else -- undent
     for i = first to last do
       LoopCount = BlkCount
       while LoopCount > 0 do
          if buffer[i][1] = ' ' then
             buffer[i] = buffer[i][2..length(buffer[i])]
             LoopCount = LoopCount - 1
          elsif buffer[i][1] = '\t' then
             if LoopCount < edit_tab_width then
                space = edit_tab_width - LoopCount
                buffer[i] = repeat(32,space) & buffer[i][2..length(buffer[i])]
                LoopCount = 0
                buffer[i] = buffer[2..length(buffer[i])]
                LoopCount =  LoopCount - edit_tab_width
             end if
          end if
          buffer[i] = TabsFirst(buffer[i])
       end while
     end for
   end if
   b_col = 1
   s_col = 1
   DisplayWindow(b_line - s_line + 1, 1)
end procedure -- ModifyIndent()

Jacques Deschenes
Baie-Comeau, Quebec
desja at quebectel.com

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