- Posted by Pete Lomax <petelomax at> Jun 12, 2004
On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 16:25:33 -0700, Daniel Kluss <xerox_irs at> wrote: > > >I remember hearing a while ago about "while 1 do" being omptimized somehow >in euphoria, and was wondering if "if 1 then / if 0 then" or even "for " are >similarly optimized. >I'm wondering if a bunch of "if <constant> then" 's can be done with no >penalty in speed. > As it happens, I tested this the other week (as I've done just this on my other, far from complete project [ask me privately, or on openEU, not here]), and the penalty is there, on RDS Eu, albeit small. As Rob said, this is on his todo list. However, I have to ask, what would you want optimised with a for loop? I almost get it, but I'd like a real/believable example, since I imagine that bothering to do this on a for loop might not be very useful, since it is likely to be extremely rare. Regards, Pete PS Blueyonder (my ISP) is experiencing email problems nationwide at the moment, which they seem to be having some difficulty addressing.