Judith's IDE Functionality
- Posted by "C. K. Lester" <cklester at yahoo.com> Aug 29, 2003
Howdy, Judith, everybody... I have a few feature requests for the IDE... all of which I'm willing to code myself if you can point me where to start. :) 1. In designing forms, it would be nice to be able to select multiple objects and move them around at the same time. If I can already do this, please explain how (I checked the docs but couldn't find anything). 2. In duplicating objects with a <CTRL+Click+Drag 'n' Drop>, I don't want to have to click on another dialog before dropping the copied control. Maybe after I drop it you can ask me if I want it indexed to the prior control. I prefer, however, that this be a setting available for change in the preferences dialog (default setting should be 'Do Not Index'). 3. Thin object selection borders instead of the thick ones, with no "corner arrows" (selection arrows?) in the selection highlight. The current thick border often hides my text. Change the cursor to an appropriate shape when over the selected object's borders. 4. When re-sizing an object using the left border, the right border jumps around and does not maintain its size. The control's position needs to be based on the rightmost coordinates when re-sizing from the left. If you need a graphic of any of the above suggestions, let me know and I'll be glad to provide. Thanks! -ck