Feature requests for Eu 2.5.

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Beware the long post...

The following is a commented list of features that I'd find desirable
in Eu 2.5.

A/ Variable management

1/ Pass by reference in routines

   Description: when some code calls a routine, the routine may update=20
some vars=20
whose references were passed to it.

   Syntax: x=3DfuncA(sequence s, update integer i,...)
   Here, even if funcA modifies s, these changes will be lost on=20
treturn, while=20
the changes to i will be preserved.

   By default, for routines that are not types, arguments are constant.=20
A "const"=20
keyword could be used to make things explicit.
   By default, types should have their arguments passed by reference,
and the keyword "const" can be used to override this.

2/ Variable sharing

   Description: enable two or more routines to access a symbol which is=20
not local=20
(filewide) or global.

   Syntax: share x with rt1 [as y ][in file]
   When this code is found in the declarations of routine rt2, the=20
symbol x is also made available
to the routine rt1. x would be seen in rt1 as x if no "as" clause is=20
there, pr as y
otherwise. The routine rt1 may be in another file, in which case the=20
"file" clause is needed.
   x must have been declared before being shared.
3/ Static variables in routines

   Description: Allow routines to keep track of the values of private=20
symbols between executions.
   Syntax: static <type> <var-list>
   In order for a static variable to be initialized before it's first=20
uninitialized variables should be handled.

4/ Allow uninitialized symbols to be passed to and returned from=20

   So that initialization routines can be used. Obviously, reading the=20
of an unitialized symbol will raise an error.
5/ Arraying of symbols.

   Description: allow symbols to be referenced by a sequence.

   Syntax: array arrname v1[,v2,....]
   This would create a sequence arrname whose first element aliases=20
identifier v1,=20
the second, if any, the symbol v2, and so on. This statement is a=20
declaration statement.

   The idea of this, aas well as its usefulness, comes from the SAS=20

6/ Namespace hierarchy

   Description: Ensures that two symbols without a namespace don't=20
collide when this was not meant.
   When two or more global symbols are identified by the same string, Eu=
considers it an error,
since it can't tell which one is meant. But such collisions may come=20
conflicting names in unrelated libraries.
   A simple solution is to adopt rules for choice, issuing a warning for=
programmer's information. The rules could be:

   a/ A conflict between explicitly namespaced symbols is an error=20
   b/ Let the distance between two files be the minimal numbe of include=
statements that allows=20
the two symbols to clash. Then, only consider the symbols which were=20
in the closest file(s).
   c/ In case of ties, a linear link will take precedence over a broken=20
A linear link means that the symbol is defined in a file that directly=20
or indirectly
includes or is included by the one in which the reference is being=20
   d/ In case of a tie, and if the links are of the same direction, an=20
error must be raised.
It means that two libraries define the same symbol, and more info is=20
   e/ The remaining case is when a symbol is defined both in a file=20
including the current file and
in a file included in the current one. Then, the downward link (the=20
latter) is to be

7/ Scoped symbols

   Descriptio: some symbols may be defined in a portion of routine/main=20
code only.
   Syntax: scope <var decls> ... endscope
   Note that C-style braces, much easier to type, can't be used in Eu.

B/ Routine management

1/ Forwarding.

   Description: Allows to use a routine before it is defined.
         forward function f([args])
         function f
            code defining the function
         end function

   The alternative in 2.4 is to use call_proc/func, which obfuscates the=

2/ Allow discarding of function return values.

   Description: It is sometimes useful to call a function as if it were=20
a procedure.
   Syntax: ~thefunc([args])
   where thefunc is a function.
3/ Return of several symbols.

   Descritption: Allow function to simultaneously update several=20
   Syntax: {x,y,....z}=3Df([args])
   f must return a sequence each element of which is assigned to the=20
corresponding variable.
Extra returned values are to be ignored.

4/ Optional parameters.

   Description: Allow the optional specification of parameters in=20
routine calls.
   SQyntax: <routine> r([normal parms])([optional parms])
   And, when called, the optional parameters may or may not be passed.
5/ Default values for arguments.

   Description: Allow to skip the most frequent value for a routine=20
      <routine> r(integer x=3D32767,sequence s)
      end <routine>
      y=3Dr(,s)  --argument x is 32767
   Obviously, the comma is optional when no defaulted argulment is=20
followed by a non-defaulted argument.
6/ Named parameters

   Description: Allow parameters to be passed as name=3Dvalue.
   Named and unnamed arguments cannot be mixed in just any way.
7/ Nested routines

   Description: For nested routines, the code of the routine they are=20
defined in
behaves exactly as the code outside a routine for a non-nested routine.
      sequence t
      routine r1(...)
      integer i
      sequence s
      routine r11(....)
      integer i
      end routine
      end routine

   In the example above, both routines r1 and r11 can see the sequence t=

as a public variable. If i is defined outside r1, r1 does not see this=20
It defines another i that shadows the public i. Likewise, r11's i=20
shadows r1's i.
   Retrieving the value of a shadowed symbol may resuire a special=20
   Normally, a nested routine is only called by the routine in which it=20
is nested.
This limitation might be relaxed in some cases.

8/ Routine_ids for builtins.

   Description: routine_id() will return a value even for built-in=20

9/ Routine redefinition.

   Description: Coding a routine with the same name as a built-in or=20
previously specified routine would not cause an error, but the new=20
would be called instead of the former, hijacking its routine_id.

      No special synntax required.
      recover <routine decl> would undo all previous redefinitions.

   Note that nested routines, shared and static variables will greatly=20
the use of global syymbols, hence alleviating the namespace collisiion=20

C/ Instruction flow cntrol

1/ Optional argument for the exit statement.

   Description: Breaks out of several loop levels at the same time.
   Syntax: exit [arg]
   Arg may be:
      a/ A positive number, which is the extra number of loop levels to=20
      b/ A negative number, counting the loop levels from the top down.=20
exit -1 means "exit the topmost loop".
      c/ exit 0 can be tolerated as a synonym for plain exit.
      d/ A label name, provided loops can be labelled.
      e/ A for loop indexvariable name.
2/ Next statement

   Description: Skips the rest of the designated loop and start a new=20
   Syntax: next [arg]
   Same choices of [arg] as for exit.
3/ Retry statement

   Description: Restarts the current iteration of the designated for=20
   Syntax: retry [arg]
   Same rules as above.
   retry does not quite make sense for while loops, since it would=20
duplicate next.
So, it will count for loops only. This special behaviour might not be=20
if a repeat ... until construct is immplemented, because retry and next=20
would have=20
different meaning there..

4/ Exif statement

   Description: Same as exit, but applies to if blocks.
5/ Select statement=20=20=20

   Description: Allows a decision to be made in more than two ways.
      select <expr>
         case x1: code to execute if the value of expr is x1
         case x2: ...
         case x3 thru x4:
         case <5
         case f(v,_)=3D0:
      end select
   Each option inside the select statement is a case statement. A wide=20
of ways to specify conditions can be devised, including using the=20
anonymous _=20
symbol in complex constructs.
   The optional otherwise clause is executed if no case statement caused=
program flow to break out of the select statement.
   Flow goes from ne case statement to the next, except when the break=20
causes control to be passed to the statement following the closing end=20
select statement.

6/ xwhile loop

   Description: same as a while loop, except that exit occurs as soon as
the condition specified in the xwhile statement is no longer true,=20
without the need
for endlessly repeating tests.

7/ Exception handling

   Description: When some condition occurs, execute a specific handler.
   Syntax: setExcHandler(condition_code,handler_routine_id)

   The handler may access and modify any variable in scope when the=20
handler is invoked.
   The handler may abort the program, reexecute the last instruction or=20
   Condition codes may not relate onlly to errors.

8/ Guards

   Description: Check for conditions inside a given scope and exeute=20
code when this happens.
      on/when/whenever <condition> do
      end do
   The scope of the guards may vary:
   - on: current block only
   - when: current routine
   - whenever: from now on

9/ Dynamic code execution.

   Description: Allow execution of text generated or fetched somewhere.
   Syntax: execute(string)
   The string in interpreted as if it had been loaded in memory in the=20
place. Note that the include statement allows to do this, but only=20
loops or routines.

10/ Selective type checking.

   Description: Right now, either every assignment invokes type checking=
routines, or some=20
supposedly minimal amount, not nown to programmer, is performed. The=20
idea is to
specify variables that will be checked without type_check.

   Syntax: check <variable decl>

   The check prefix is ignored when type_check is on.
11/ Additional type checking.

   Description: On assignment, specified variables would go through a=20
set of validity checks. The user can add or remove such checks,=20
regardless of the type_check flag.

     check(i1,var name/id)=20
     add_check(i2,var name/id)
     del_check(i2,var name/id)
     uncheck(var nname/id)

   These do what they say, i1 and i2 being routine_ids of additional=20
checking functions.
   Additional type checks are coded just like ordinary type functions.

12/ Watch facility

   Description: When a given variable is read, its watch function is=20
returning the value the variable (possibly) holds.

      watch <variable decl>
      The routine invoked will be a rtype routine, which follows the=20
same patterns=20
and rules than type functions. Example:
   rtype integer (integer x)
      if x<0 then return 0
      else return x
      end if
   end rtype
would make all negative integers appear as 0.

D/ Sequences and slices

1/ Negatives indexes

   Description: inside any sequence index specifiation, a negative value=
be used to count the elements backwards. So,=20
could be coded longsequencename[-1].

2/ More slices

   Decription: slices might appear in index specifications in other=20
places than just the last.
   Thus, matrix[..][3] would be the 3rd row of a column-bnased matrix.
3/ Shorthands for "length(this)"

   Description: Allow more flexible coding of slices that extend to the=20
of a sequence.
   Syntax: matrix[..][3]      --see above
           stack[$]           --last element of stack
           word[2..]          --chop first letter off word

4/ Composition of sequences

   Description: defines a subsequence using a sequence of indexes.
   Syntax: t=3D{3,-1,5,3}
           s=3D<some sequence>
           s1=3Ds=F8t    s1 is a sequence of lenth 4: {s[3],s[-1],s[5],s[3]=
   Pairs in t could specify slices.
5/ Dynamic indexing

   Description: Allow variable length index specification
   Syntax: s=3D{1,3,2}
           t=3Du[[s]]     --t=3Du[1][3][2]

   Again, pairs could be used in s to specify slices.

6/ Sequence manipulation routines

   Description: replace, insert and move elemnts around in a sequence.
         --places_list is a list of pairs of indexes delimiting=20
subsequences in seq.
         --Each of these will be replaced by the matching element in=20
      insert(seq,where,x)   --x is inserted at position where in seq,=20
whose length increased by 1
      inserts(seq,where,x)  --if x is a sequence, its elements are=20
inserted starting at position=20
         --where in seq.If x is an atom, same as insert.
         --the subsequence seq[start..end] is moved so that it starts at=
         --where is an index or a pair of indexes specifying element(s)=20
to be removed from seq.
      Note that all these could be just some functions in misc.e Their=20
built-ins would probably increase speed.

 E/ Object programming capabilities.
1/ Structures

   Description: define some fixed layout for specified types of=20
   Syntax: struct customer(sequence name,integer zipcode,integer=20
   This defines a type which could be used just as any type.
2/ Classes

   Description: classes are structures with methods, which are routines=20
applying to
to the underlying struct.
   Classes are supposed to inherit from other classes, and they may have=
virtual methods.
3/ Dot notation

   Methods apply to object, which are just some special types. The most=20
known syntax to applyy something to something is entity.method([args]).=20
is always a first hidden argument to any method, which is the entity it=20
is applied to.
This could be referenced by the keyword self.
   The dot notation could be extended to ordinary routines.

F/ Miscellaneous

1/ Pre- and post-inc/decremnet operators C-style
2/ Allow concatenation of logical relations, such as 0<=3Dx<=3D9.
3/ Allow assignments inside conditions. The symbol :=3D could be used here
since =3D has a relational meaning.

   I most likely forgot a few useful things, but these would make=20
programming with=20
Euphoria so much more comfortable and efficient, without breaking any=20
existing code (oh, unless the namespace thing hurts EuGTK, donn't know=20
for sure)

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