Re: Analyze This
- Posted by George Walters <gwalters at sc.rr.?o?> Nov 27, 2007
I've tried to do this Matt. The code below does create different list boxes bound/shroud and not bound/shroud on my computer. The bound/shroud is longer.
include win32lib.ew global integer sx, sy, maxX, maxY, fs, cx, cy, sw, sh, heightHorScroll,widthVertScroll,widthFrame global sequence charSize, fontType global function ceil(object a) return floor(a) + 1 end function global function tint(object a) return floor(a) end function fontType = "Courier New" maxX = getSystemMetrics(SM_CXFULLSCREEN) maxY = getSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN) heightHorScroll = getSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL) widthVertScroll = getSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) widthFrame = getSystemMetrics(SM_CXFIXEDFRAME) -- Scale font size to match screen resolution if maxX > 1200 then fs = 14 elsif maxX > 1000 then fs = 12 elsif maxX > 800 then fs = 11 -- font size elsif maxX > 640 then fs = 9 else fs = 8 end if setFont(Screen, fontType, fs, Normal) charSize = getFontSize(Screen) cx = charSize[1] cy = charSize[2] sw = cx * 82 --+ 20 sh = cy * 33 --+ 10 sx = ceil((maxX - sw)/2) sy = ceil((maxY - sh)/2) constant Main = create(Window,"ARE020-Cash Receipts Entry", 0,sx,sy+10,sw,sh,0) constant idList = create(List,"",Main,4,cy*19-tint(cy/2),cx*80+4,cy*10,WS_SCROLLBARS) WinMain(Main,Normal)