Error - Couldn't open \EUPHORIA\bin\backendw.exe!
- Posted by ZNorQ <znorq at> Oct 11, 2005
We are having a so called "upgrade" on the computers at work, which gives the users ALOT of restrictions - such as write access to the c: drive - not allowed to install applications (like Euphoria), etc. etc. So I was thinking to myself that since my old installation works fine now, perhaps I could make a backup of the installed program, and just copy that over to "c:\program files" when they've "upgraded" it. So, today, the upgrade was done, and I have come as far as to copy the installation into "c:\program files\EuBin", made the necessary file associations, made sure environment variable "path" pointed to the euphoria executable files and euinc to the include folders... But.. When Im trying to use "backendw.exe -w32 -quiet myEuFile.exw", I get an error message that says "couldn't open \EUPHORIA\bin\backendw.exe!". Now, I've checked the path, checked to see if there are any configuration files, etc. - but nothing! Does Euphoria make any changes to the registry - in which case I've already lost since we're not allowed to make any changes there... :( What to do?? Kenneth