Re: Array's in Euphoria

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> >In Christ
>     I do not have anything against people expressing their beliefs, nor do I
> want to start a flame war, but..

You probably will, but I digress.

>     Why is every1 expressing their beliefs ? Do they want to be appriciated
> or more positivily judged by other because of their beliefs ?
>     No offence, but I keep wondering, why tell the world 'that you're also a
> member of that club' unless you think that people might have more respect
> for you, which shouldn't be a good thing IMHO.

<tangent you="might wish to skip this part">
Why is it necessarily bad for someone to express their particular beliefs?
We do it all the time -- I express the fact that I think President Clinton is
a jerk, and a disgrace to the office. At the same time I recognise that there
are other people who have a considerably more positive opinion of him (not
difficult to do). I don't think your religious beliefs are different from any
other core value you might have, and I have no problem with people spending
two words on what you hold near and dear.

The fact that the previous author feels strongly enough about his
religious persuasion to put it in his mail sig I think speaks well of him.
If it devolves into a diatribe that's just Bible verses and no code, then you
have a legitimate complaint for it being off-topic. But I don't think "In
Christ" is anything to complain about. Would you complain if he wrote "In

Don't take this as a personal attack, but a lot of people think expressing a
particular religious viewpoint implies condemnation and a holier-than-thou
attitude to those who don't share it. And, true, given a certain highly visible
religious extremist minority, this viewpoint is at least partially justified.
I hardly find "In Christ" offensive or even worth a comment, and I applaud
the original poster for having the guts to put his central values in (IMHO)
a nonconfrontational and totally unobstrusive manner.

My two cents. smile

Back to lurking.

Cameron Kaiser * spectre at *
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