memory and cprint

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Subject: memory.e and cprint.e
        Bob Craig sent 2 handy routines which I have attached as cprint.e
and space.e ...just to make sure you don't miss them. They work like a
charm. cprint makes sequences much easier to read when working with text.
Memory permits easy comparison of alternate means of representation.
        Bob, thanks a lot. Art

include graphics.e

global procedure cprint(object x)
-- display an object with colored ASCII characters
     if atom(x) then
          printf(1, "%g", x)
          if integer(x) and x >= 32 and x <= 127 then
               if x = 32 then
                    puts(1, 254) -- block character
                    puts(1, x)
               end if
          end if
           -- sequence
           puts(1, "{")
           for i = 1 to length(x) do
               if i < length(x) then
                    puts(1, ',')
               end if
           end for
           puts(1, "}")
      end if
end procedure

--puts(1, '\n')

--puts(1, '\n')

--cprint({1, 32, 42, 52 ,97, 155.5})
--puts(1, '\n')

--puts(1, '\n')

--You could add a procedure that calls cprint(),
--then does puts(1, '\n'). You can't just add it to cprint() itself
--because of it's recursive nature.


global function bytes_needed(object x)
-- estimates the number of bytes of storage needed for any
-- Euphoria 2.0 data object (atom or sequence).
    integer space
    if integer(x) then
        return 4
    elsif atom(x) then
        return 16
        -- sequence
        space = 24 -- overhead
        for i = 1 to length(x) do
            space = space + bytes_needed(x[i])
        end for
        return space
    end if
end function

--? bytes_needed(1)                    -- 4
--? bytes_needed(1.5)                  -- 16
--? bytes_needed({1,2,3})              -- 36
--? bytes_needed({{1.5,2.5}, {1,2}})   -- 112
--? bytes_needed({{1,2},{}, {},{1,2}})   -- 88  + 24 for each {}
--? bytes_needed({{1,2}, 1.234 , {},{1,2}})   -- 88  + 16 for each float
--? bytes_needed({{1,2}, 0 , 0 ,{1,2}})   -- 88  + 4 for each zero or integer

--Keep in mind that Euphoria will often point to a
--sequence or a (non-integer) atom, rather than make
--a copy of it. For example:

--x = repeat("Euphoria", 100)
--y = 99.9
--z = y

--There will only be *one* copy of "Euphoria" in memory,
--along with 100 4-byte pointers to it. There will only be
--one copy of 99.9, pointed to by y and z.

--Euphoria is primarily tuned for speed. It does not
--for instance, try to store small integers in less than
--4 bytes. The space overhead on sequences
--consists of the length, plus a bunch of information
--that allows for fast manipulation (growing/shrinking)
--of sequences, as well as fast allocation and
--deallocation of storage.
--Whenever you have dynamic allocation of storage,
--you have to use some storage to keep track of
--which blocks of memory are used vs. free, their
--length etc. That's included in the above figures.

     --Rob Craig
     --Rapid Deployment Software

Arthur P. Adamson, The Engine Man, euclid at

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