Re: Mode 19 border color

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> Is there some way to force the border color in graphics mode 19 to
> become something else than 16 (it is 16, right?). Because if I change
> color 19 to black, I will break the system in my palette.
> Einar Mogen
> URL:

You can reprogram the vga card overscan (the border) color by doing the
1. read a byte from the input status register 1 (port #3DA)
  you don't have to do anything with this value; it just resets some flags
   in the vga hardware so we can do the next step.
2. send the byte #31 to the attribute register (port #3C0)
3. send the border color you want to the attribute register (port #3C0)

You will need Jacques Deschenes ports.e to read and write ports.
or you could do it with the following machine code:
   {#60,                    --    0: pusha
    #66,#BA,#DA,#03,        --    1: mov dx, #3DA
    #EC,                    --    5: in al, dx
    #B2,#C0,                --    6: mov dl, #C0
    #B0,#31,                --    8: mov al, #31
    #EE,                    --    A: out dx, al
    #B0,#00,                --    B: mov al, yourcolor (12)
    #EE,                    --    D: out dx, al
    #61,                    --    E: popa
    #C3}                    --    F: ret

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