Embedding Graphics.

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Well, my method doesn't use any compression, but it seems to work for
what I designed it for.  And it's simple.
I make a directory for the icons I want to use in my program, put all my
icon bmp files in it, put this program in the directory and run it.  It
creates a file called Icons.e that defines a global sequence of icons.  Then
if for example, all of my icons have a bright white background and I want to
change it to light gray, all I have to do is open the include file in a text
editor and use it's search function to replace all occurrences of 15 with 7.
All of the icons are changed.
     To use an icon, I can just say display_image( {x, y}, icon[UPARROW] )
or whatever.  (constants for icons are named after their bmp file name)
     Of course, I suppose everyone's already done this.  But thought I might
as well share anyway.


-- concat.ex
-- concatenates several small bmps into one include file
include graphics.e
include image.e
include file.e
include wildcard.e

sequence filelist1, filelist2

filelist1 = dir(current_dir())
filelist2 = {}

-- make a list of all *.bmp files in the directory
for count = 1 to length(filelist1) do
    if wildcard_file("*.bmp", filelist1[count][1]) then
       filelist2 = append(filelist2, filelist1[count][1])
    end if
end for
filelist1 = {}

-- create include file "Icons.e" and write the list of constants
object result, fn
fn = open( "Icons.e", "w" )
if fn = -1 then abort(2) end if
puts( fn, "global sequence icon \n icon = repeat( {}, " )
print( fn, length(filelist2) )
puts( fn, " ) \n\n" )

puts( fn, "constant " )
for count = 1 to length(filelist2) do
    if count = length(filelist2) then
       puts( fn, "
"&filelist2[count][1..length(filelist2[count])-4]&" = "&sprintf("%d \n\n",
       puts( fn, "
"&filelist2[count][1..length(filelist2[count])-4]&" = "&sprintf("%d,\n",
    end if
end for

-- write image data
for count = 1 to length(filelist2) do
    result = read_bitmap( filelist2[count] )
    if atom(result) then
       puts( 2, "Unable to open "&filelist2[count]&"\n" )
    end if
    puts( fn, "icon[" )
    puts( fn, filelist2[count][1..(length(filelist2[count])-4)] )
    puts( fn, "] = {\n" )
    for count2 = 1 to length(result[2]) do
        puts( fn, "     " )
        print( fn, result[2][count2] )
        if count2 = length(result[2]) then
           puts( fn, " \n" )
           puts( fn, ", \n" )
        end if
    end for
    puts( fn, "     }\n\n" )
end for

close( fn )

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