getc/ReadFile after gets problem
- Posted by Pete Lomax <petelomax at> Dec 07, 2006
I think there is some wierd buffer-effect going on inside gets/getc. After gets(0), getc(0) will wait for new input, whereas a call to the windows API function, c_func(xReadFile,{stdin,chr,1,count,0}) yields both the \r and \n, that I thought would have been "eaten" by gets(0)?? Here is some code that behaves strangely, any clues?:
include dll.e include machine.e atom xKernel32,xGetStdHandle,xReadFile integer cinit cinit=0 constant C_PTR = C_POINTER constant STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10 -- #FFFFFFF6 atom stdin, character, bytes_count procedure Cinit() xKernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll") if xKernel32 = 0 then ?9/0 end if xGetStdHandle = define_c_func(xKernel32,"GetStdHandle", {C_LONG}, -- DWORD nStdHandle // input, output, or error device C_PTR) -- HANDLE xReadFile = define_c_func(xKernel32,"ReadFile", {C_PTR, -- HANDLE hFile, // handle of file to read C_PTR, -- LPVOID lpBuffer, // address of buffer that receives data C_LONG, -- DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, // number of bytes to read C_PTR, -- LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, // address of number of bytes read C_PTR}, -- LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped // address of structure for data C_INT) -- BOOL stdin = c_func(xGetStdHandle,{STD_INPUT_HANDLE}) character = allocate(1) bytes_count = allocate(4) cinit=1 end procedure function mygetc0() integer ch if not cinit then Cinit() end if while 1 do if not c_func(xReadFile,{stdin,character,1,bytes_count,0}) then return -1 end if ch = peek(character) if ch!='\r' then exit end if end while return ch end function ?gets(0) --?getc(0) -- <<<--- swap me ?mygetc0() -- <<<--- with me ?1.234 abort(0)
With getc(0), type in "ABC\n", it outputs {65,66,67,10} and waits for input. With mygetc(0), it outputs the 10 twice, but you only need to key it once! Does anyone (with some knowledge, perhaps, of C|be_runtime.c) have any Ideas? There is something Somewhere in there it (I think) shoves a read character back into the input stream, but I can't follow C code with all those #ifdefs... Regards, Pete