Re: Tutorial of sorts
- Posted by Ad Rienks <Ad_Rienks at COMPUSERVE.COM> Oct 23, 1998
Irv wrote: >So we have assignment 1.1 >Write a *validate* function, to take input, return a number >within a specified range, or print an error message and >abort. >Hint: see functions, abort() in the docs. >Suggested syntax: >hours =3D validate(cmd[4],{1,80},"Hours") >payrate =3D validate(cmd[5],{5.50,35.00},"Payrate") >Suggested output: >* ERROR in Hours: should be between 1 and 80 * Here is my entry, I hope that it is not to long (>100 lines) I use the function accept, developed by me because I was not satisfied wi= th the various input routines I used before. Especially the processing of single ENTER or ESC keys. This one only accepts what you want it to accep= t, and the Backspace key. Only problem is the CTRL-C or CTRL-Break checking. Under pure DOS this works, but under WIN95 the program hangs. Does any1 have a solution to this? A more sophisticated version of accept.e can also accept function keys, t= o display help or popup a lookup table, for instance. -- validate.ex include file.e include get.e include graphics.e global function equal(object o1, object o2) -- David Cuny return not compare(o1, o2) end function -- equal -------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- ---- global procedure burp() -- Jiri Babor atom tim sound(250) tim =3D time() while time() - tim < .15 do end while sound(0) end procedure -- burp -------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- ---- global procedure backspace() sequence pos pos =3D get_position() if pos[2] >=3D 1 then position(pos[1], pos[2] - 1) puts(1, ' ') position(pos[1], pos[2] - 1) else burp() end if end procedure -- backspace -------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- ---- global function accept(sequence prompt, sequence default, sequence accepted) -- version 0.02 -- October 23, 1998 -- Ad_Rienks at -- returns a string, if a single enter is pressed default is returned -- only characters you give in 'accepted' are accepted -- so it can be used like this: -- question =3D accept("Do you want to go on? (Y/n) ", "y", "YyNn") -- if lower(question[1]) =3D 'y' then go_on() else exit end if integer key sequence string, pos allow_break(0) -- user can't escape with CTRL-C or CTRL-Break -- CAUTION: this does not work under WIN95!!! key =3D -1 string =3D "" puts(1, prompt & default) pos =3D get_position() position(pos[1], pos[2] - length(default)) = while key !=3D 13 do if key !=3D -1 then if key =3D 8 and length(string) then -- backspace -- remove last element string =3D string[1..length(string) - 1] -- update display too backspace() elsif find(key, accepted) then if not length(string) then puts(1, repeat(' ', length(default))) position(pos[1], pos[2] - length(default)) = end if string =3D append(string, key) puts(1, string[length(string)]) else burp() end if end if key =3D get_key() end while if equal(string, "") then string =3D default end if allow_break(1) -- set breaking ability back on return string end function -- accept -------------------------------------------------------------------------= -- ----- global function validate(sequence prompt, -- the input prompt sequence default, -- possible default value sequence accepted, -- characters accepted sequence bounds) -- possible bounds, if {}, no= bounds checking. object result = while 1 do clear_screen() result =3D value(accept(prompt, default, accepted)) if result[1] =3D GET_SUCCESS then result =3D result[2] else result =3D -1 end if if length(bounds) then -- bounds checking if result < bounds[1] or result > bounds[2] then -- not within bounds burp() position(25, 1) printf(1, "Give a number between %.2f and %.2f.", bounds)= cursor(NO_CURSOR) result =3D wait_key() cursor(UNDERLINE_CURSOR) else-- within bounds exit end if else -- no bounds checking exit end if end while return result end function -- validate constant INTEGER =3D "0123456789" constant DECIMAL =3D INTEGER & '.' integer hours atom payrate = hours =3D validate("Hours worked: ", "", INTEGER, {1, 80}) payrate =3D validate("Payment/hour: ", "", DECIMAL, {5.5, 35}) clear_screen() puts(1, "Hours Payment Tax Net Pay") printf(1, "\n%5d %7.2f %7.2f %7.2f", {hours, payrate, hours*payrate*.25, hours*payrate*.75})