***Latest addition to user.e***
- Posted by Matt Z Nunyabidness <matt1278 at JUNO.COM> Oct 17, 1998
***LATEST ADDITION TO USER.E*** I added a couple of functions: getdir() and getdrv(). The syntax is simply: var=getdir()/getdrv() If getdir() and getdrv() can't create their temporary files, they say "File I/O error" and return a value of -1. If something goes wrong when they try to read from their temporary file, they say "File I/O error" and return -2. The functions work like this: 1. Create the temporary file 2. Read from the file 3. Close it up 4. Seperate the drive letter/directory name from the rest of the string Getdrv() and getdir() use system() and cd > tmp. JARS OF CLAY ROCKZ FOR GOD _________________ "When it comes to programming languages, Eu™ by RDS®™©(did i forget an ®?) is a cut above" - Matt1278 and Prezsoft Webbers: <A HREF="mailto:softprez at juno.com">softprez at juno.com</A>, president of SoftCo.® Uh, no slogan at the moment™ Go out and get Euphoria™ by Rapid Deployment Software® NOW!!!