Re: lots o stuff
- Posted by noah smith <nhs6080 at UNIX.TAMU.EDU> Oct 16, 1998
Ok, here's what I have: square, tile-based system, with an "army" at location (x,y). the army has a "range" of r. each tile has a "land type" which has a "resistance value" which is v. armies may move to adjacent and diagonal tiles (lands, with variable land types). in order to move to the next tile, the army must "pay" an amount from its' range (r), equal to the resistance value of the land (v), such that (r - v >= 0). most of the lands have a resistance value of 1, and others have values of 2 or 3. resistance values may be fractions (.5, or 2.5 v). most armies have a range of 6. i am trying to write an optimized algorithm which determines all the tiles (based on range and resistance values of the land type) which determines all legal movement for an army in one turn (that is: given full range and current location, where can the army move). I currently have one that does this, but it is sloooooooooow. (several seconds at range = 6) i hopes thats clear. thx, snortboy