Re: vMac
- Posted by Hawke <mdeland at NWINFO.NET> Oct 06, 1998
Robert Craig wrote: >In C, you can't code a call to a routine when you >don't know until run-time how many arguments to pass *or* >what type those arguments are. why is it that for the function parameters in this situation, you cannot simply have a single pointer as your parameter, and have that single pointer paramenter at runtime point to an array of pointers to where each pointer at each array element was a pointer to a parameter you wanted to pass? you could then pick off each parameter at the beginning of the function by assigning a temp variable to each of the pointers located in the individual elements of that array of pointers passed as the single parameter. and btw, i used to do it all the time when i coded in C for a situation whereby i was parsing user input of sentences that contained nouns and verbs and targets and actions and the like, and i never knew how long that argument was going to be, ergo: how many words each sentence would be. so i designed all the dependent functions to simply take one arguement, an array of pointers (holding individual words) and picked them off as so: word1=argument[1] if (arguement[2]!=NULL) {word2=argument[2]} if (arguement[3]!=NULL) {word3=argument[3]} //and so on until i had enough to perform *that* function (pardon syntax here, been a long long time) or something to that effect. now please, don't get me wrong here, i am not trying to second guess father euphoria here (i am barely worthy of being able to hold the shoeshine bottle for his shoeshine boy), i'm simply asking a question as to why the above technique cannot be used for passing parameters that are 'undefined' until runtime... dat's all :) --Hawke', verily unfit to be the spittle in a spitshine =)