- Posted by Lewis Townsend <keroltarr at HOTMAIL.COM> Oct 06, 1998
OK, this is for games programmers and physics majors, I have my little orbitting planets program here that I've been messing around with lately. After about 4 revolutions the sun runs off and leaves the rest of the solar system behind. I can't find any reason for this so any help would be appreciated. Also, my physics may not be quite right so any suggestions of how to make it more realistic would be considdered as well. Note that the little lines sticking out of the planets shows their current speed and direction. Sincerely, Lewis Townsend LewisArt ---------------------CODE------------------------ include graphics.e constant pos = 1, dir = 2, mass = 3, kuler = 4, scale = 15, -- scales view down X = 1, Y = 2, -- generic x/y positions in ordered pair center = {320, 240} -- center of screen object universe, junk, n -- n is the number of the centered planet junk = graphics_mode (18) universe = {{{2500, 3000}, {0, 0}, 1000, YELLOW},--sets up everything {{500, 3000}, {0, 20}, 100, CYAN}, {{1000, 3000}, {0, 30}, 100, GREEN}, {{1500, 3000}, {0, 40}, 100, WHITE}, {{3500, 3000}, {0, -40}, 100, BLUE}, {{4000, 3000}, {0, -30}, 100, BROWN}, {{4500, 3000}, {0, -20}, 100, MAGENTA}} function convert (sequence c)-- converts a vector into a distance of 1 object s -- speed (distance of vector) while 1 do s = sqrt (c [X] * c [X] + c [Y] * c [Y]) --finds distance --of vector if s > 1 then c = c/s -- resets vector else return c end if end while end function function dist2d (sequence p1, sequence p2) --find 2 diminsional --distance return sqrt (((p1 [1] - p2 [1]) * (p1 [1] - p2 [1])) + ((p1 [2] - p2 [2]) * (p1 [2] - p2 [2]))) end function procedure delay () -- unoptimized delay routine object t -- I don't want to include machine.e t = time () while time () - t < .0010 do end while end procedure function recalc (sequence U) -- calculates new directions and -- positions object this, that, other -- for each object effected by the -- gravity for i = 1 to length (U) do -- and positions of all the others this = U [i] other = U [1..i-1] & U [i+1..length(U)] for j = 1 to length (other) do that = other [j] -- THESE COMENTED LINES DEAL WITH COLLISION DETECTION AND WHAT TO DO -- WITH THE OBJECTS IF THEY COLLIDE. UNCOMENT THEM AND THEY STICK -- TOGETHER WHEN THEY HIT INSTEAD OF BOUNCING OFF AT THE CORRECT -- ANGLES -- if dist2d (this [pos], that [pos]) <= this [mass]/2 + that --[mass]/2 then -- this [dir] = this [dir] * (this [dir] - that [dir]) / --(this [mass]/2) -- else this [dir] = this [dir] - convert(this [pos] - that [pos]) *( that [mass] - this [mass]) /(dist2d (this [pos], that [pos]) +.0001) -- end if end for this [pos] = (this [pos] + this [dir]) U [i] = this end for return U end function procedure drawstuff (sequence U, atom c) -- draw the objects for i = 1 to length (U) do ellipse (c * U [i] [kuler], 1, -- draw objects ((U [i] [pos]) - (U [i] [mass]/2) - (U [n] [pos])) /scale +center, ((U [i] [pos]) + (U [i] [mass]/2) - (U [n] [pos])) /scale +center) draw_line (c * (U [i] [kuler]+8), -- draw direction lines {((U [i] [pos]) - (U [n] [pos])) /scale +center, (((U [i] [pos]) - (U [n] [pos])) /scale +center + (U [i] [dir]))}) end for end procedure n = 1 -- begin counter is on the sun (or first object) while 1 do junk = get_key () if junk = 27 then exit elsif junk = 32 then n = n + 1 if n > length (universe) then n = 1 end if --clear_screen () -- this doesn't seem to be necesary end if universe = recalc (universe) -- recalculate universe drawstuff (universe ,1) -- draw the universe position (30,1) puts (1,"Spacebar cycles through objects and ESC exits") delay () -- delay while the stuff is drawn drawstuff (universe ,0) -- erase the universe end while junk = graphics_mode (-1) -- revert back to original graphics -- mode so windows can kill the window ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com