Re. Warning
- Posted by Monty King <boot_me at GEOCITIES.COM> Oct 05, 1998
I am certainly glad that I blocked him a month ago. here is what I have in my tools inbox assistant. "nateb at START.COM.AU" "nateb at LOG.ON.CA" both of these are his emails to post to list. He needs to be banned from the mail server each time he tries to acess it. He will destroy new peoples computers and scare them away from Euphoria. I already sent a message to his "father" if in fact it is his father. Hello Mr. Brooman, Was wanting to know that your son had been accepted into a tight little programming group programming a next generation computer language and then sent a trojan horse into the groups mailing list so that new people would delete their entire disk directory. Quite a son you have there. Glad I blocked his email a month ago when he became too obnoxious. If this is someone else besides Nate's father...Sorry. I am just ticked off that someone would do that. Monty King Oregon, USA If I can be of any help to people in ridding the list of him, let me know. ( I should have added "Please cut off the little Nazi's web access" as well) Monty