Re: Crack better hash()
- Posted by Derek Parnell <ddparnell at> Jun 21, 2003
Lucius, I took the liberty of using your basic algorithm and tweaking it a bit to increase its security. The caller to this version can specify how many output characters to give, plus they can add some 'unknowns' by supplying two seed values. Also, to cater for nested input sequences, I've included a small routine to flatten out the input first. --------------------- function flatten(sequence s) --------------------- sequence r r = {} for i = 1 to length(s) do if sequence(s[i]) then r &= flatten(s[i]) else r &= s[i] end if end for return r end function --------------------- global function qhash(sequence s,integer l, atom seed1, atom seed2) --------------------- sequence result integer m s = flatten(s) if l < 1 then l = length(s) end if result = repeat(seed1*seed2, l) m = or_bits((1+length(s)) * (l+1),1) for A = 1 to length(s) do result += 1 for B = 1 to length(result) do m = and_bits(or_bits(m+seed2,1),#FFFF) result[B] = xor_bits(result[B],(s[A] + B + m)) end for result = and_bits(result, #FF) end for return result end function --------------------- --------------------- Here is an example of how it might be used... --------------------- sequence s, prodkey s = qhash({"Version=2.4", "Client=OpenEU Group", "MaxUsers=20", "Products=EuInterp,EuTrans"} , 16, 3.1473, 6981) prodkey = {} for i = 1 to length(s) do prodkey &= sprintf("%02x", s[i]) if i != length(s) and remainder(i,4) = 0 then prodkey &= '-' end if end for printf(1,"Licence key is : %s\n", {prodkey}) --------- By varying the seed values, you can get different results for the same input. This means that it is much harder to crack if you don't know which seeds were used to generate it. You can get a similar effect by varying the output length too. -- Derek