Question about includes
- Posted by timmy <tim781 at PACBELL.NET> Jan 26, 2001
Hi, I'm writting to ask how euphoria handles includes. I'm writting a win32lib program and want to make part of the menus and then the rest based on text files. The problem is that I can't put the global procedures in an include file, because it says some of the varibles have'nt been declared, even though I declared them and set them in the main .exw and put the neccessary include statement all the way down where I put WinMain. One of the menus is a song list which the users can edit. It takes alot of code and I also have other menus that can be edited. My main .exw is going to look like a gigantic Basic program if I can't break them up. Has anyone run into this problem? Is there a "best way" for writting win32lib programs? ..thanks timmy :)