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Andrew Mitchell wrote:
> How do I clip an image that has been loaded by read_bitmap()?
> I am trying to fit a large picture into a 533x370 area.
> I have the following section to clip the width that doesn't work.
> It does run all of the lines, and length(tmp_img) is 800
> if length(tmp_img) > 533 then
>             tmp_img1=tmp_img[1..533]
>             tmp_img=tmp_img1
> end if
>         display_image({11,49},tmp_img1)
> I thought that it would look like this:
> 000001111
> 000001111
> 000001111
> 000001111
> 111111111
> 111111111
> with 0's being the part I want to display

                I'm still learning euphoria, but it looks like what your
doing is trimming the last x bytes off of the image :

is what your getting, right?

so what you need to do is get the x (higth) and y (width) of your
image (the original)and run, through 2 loops: (psudo code follows)

for h = 1 to 533
  for w = 1 t y
    if w < 370 then temp_img_2 =apend(temp_image_2,
next w
next h

what you want to do is step through the first 533 rows and apend to your
new image every pixel value that is in a colum before #371. and just
all the rest.

        I've just begun to learn euphoria so I couldn't write actual
euphoria code, but I'm shure of the basic algorithym.


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