Re: win32.e

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Andy Kurnia wondered about executing functions from Win32.

The file you want is WIN32.HLP. You can check:

Some of the functions that you want are part of the API. All of them can =
be called through interrupts; here are some examples. They are not meant =
to be a complete listing.

Any volunteers to put these into a library?

The DeleteFile function=20
Deletes an existing file.=20

BOOL DeleteFile(

    LPCTSTR  lpFileName         // address of name of file to delete =20

The CopyFile function=20
Copies an existing file to a new file.=20

BOOL CopyFile(

LPCTSTR  lpExistingFileName,        // address of name of an existing
    LPCTSTR  lpNewFileName,     // address of filename to copy to=20
    BOOL  bFailIfExists         // flag for operation if file exists=20

The MoveFile function=20
Renames an existing file or a directory=20
(including all its children).=20

BOOL MoveFile(

LPCTSTR  lpExistingFileName,        // address of name of the existing file
    LPCTSTR  lpNewFileName      // address of new name for the file=20

Interrupt 21h Function 7139h =20
Make Directory
   mov ax, 7139h     ; Make Directory
   mov dx, seg Name  ; see below
   mov ds, dx
   mov dx, offset Name
   int 21h

   jc  error
Interrupt 21h Function 713Ah =20
Remove Directory
   mov ax, 713Ah     ; Remove Directory
   mov dx, seg Name  ; see below
   mov ds, dx
   mov dx, offset Name
   int 21h

   jc  error

Interrupt 21h Function 713Bh =20
Change Directory
   mov ax, 713Bh     ; Change Directory
   mov dx, seg Path  ; see below
   mov ds, dx
   mov dx, offset Path
   int 21h

   jc error

Interrupt 21h Function 7141h =20
Delete File
   mov ax, 7141h             ; Delete File
   mov ch, MustMatchAttrs    ; see below=20
   mov cl, SearchAttrs       ; see below
   mov dx, seg Filename      ; see below
   mov ds, dx
   mov dx, offset Filename
   mov si, WildcardAndAttrs  ; see below
   int 21h

   jc error

Interrupt 21h Function 7147h =20
Get Current Directory
   mov ax, 7147h       ; Get Current Directory
   mov dl, Drive       ; see below
   mov si, seg Buffer  ; see below
   mov ds, si
   mov si, offset Buffer
   int 21h

   jc  error

Interrupt 21h Function 7156h =20
Rename File
   mov ax, 7156h           ; Rename File
   mov dx, seg OldName     ; see below
   mov ds, dx=20
   mov dx, offset OldName
   mov di, seg NewName     ; see below
   mov es, di=20
   mov di, offset NewName
   int 21h

   jc  error

Interrupt 21h Function 716Ch =20
Create or Open File
   mov ax, 716Ch          ; Create or Open File
   mov bx, ModeAndFlags   ; see below
   mov cx, Attributes     ; see below
   mov dx, Action         ; see below
   mov si, seg Filename   ; see below
   mov ds, si
   mov si, offset Filename
   mov di, AliasHint      ; see below
   int 21h

   jc error
   mov [Handle], ax       ; file handle
   mov [ActionTaken], cx  ; action taken to open file

-- David Cuny

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