A Little QBasic help

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Dear Euphoria Folks,

I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand
with a little bit of Qbasic code. I was attempting
to port a simple little program to Eu, and got stuck.
Here's the beginning of the code I'm talking about :

CONST  anzbee = 100
DIM g(anzbee, 1), p(anzbee, 1), pa(anzbee, 1), pa2(anzbee, 1)
FOR a = 0 TO anzbee
g(a, 0) = INT(RND * 7 - 3)
g(a, 1) = INT(RND * 7 - 3)
p(a, 0) = INT(RND * 640)
p(a, 1) = INT(RND * 480)
pa(a, 0) = INT(RND * 640)
pa(a, 1) = INT(RND * 480)

That's the bulk of it -- and one last line :

g(0,0) = (g(0,0) + RND * 2 - 1) MOD 10

If anybody could help me out with this, it
would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Chris Cox
cox.family at sk.sympatico.ca

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