Win32Lib Docs

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Just a note for people who are just beginning to use Dave Cuny's =
Win32Lib.  In the documentation, the controls LText, RText, and CText (? =
- I can't remember the one for center) are best described as static text =
controls, not line edits.  To create a line edit box, you need to use =
the EditText control.  This isn't mentioned in the docs, but you can =
find it in the example programs that are included in the package.  Also, =
for multiple windows, don't forget that UnloadWindow is only for the =
main window.  If you use it on any other windows, it kills your program. =
 You should SetText(control,"") for each EditText control and =
setVisible(window,0) to get rid of any windows you don't need.


As much as I would like to see win32lib finished, I appreciate all the =
effort you've been putting into the Euphoria community as a whole =
without compensation.  Take care of yourself and don't burn yourself =
out.  Then who would finish it? :)

Michael J. Sabal
mjs at

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