- Posted by Arlie Codina <web.master at FLASHMAIL.COM> Feb 24, 1999
"Well, guys, sad to say that I have absolutely ZERO experience with xBase, so I'd be out of my league trying to merge FILEMAN and xBase :( However, I may in the future have the time to check out Daniel's xBase routines (I think he has some on his site), and try to figure it out. --Brian Jackson--" I'm enclosing a text on common xbase commands. I hope this will help. Regards, Arlie Codina web.master at oOo *** XBase Common Data Manipulation Commands *** CREATE - create or modify a table +-field name | +-field type | | +- example: 1234.67 <---width is 7 | | | +-------index file name | | | | Name Type Width Decimal Index FIRSTNAME CHAR 15 0 0 APPEND BLANK - adds a blank record to the end of the table and makes the blank record the current record. SEEK - searches for the first record in an indexed table whose key fields matches the specified expression or expression list. Syntax SEEK <exp> | <exp list> <exp> - the expression to search for in an index for a DBF table. <exp list> - one or more expressions, separated by commas, to search for in a simple or composite key index for non-DBF tables. REPLACE - replaces the contents of fields with data from expressions. Syntax REPLACE <field 1> WITH <exp 1> [ADDITIVE] [, <field 2> WITH <exp 2> [ADDITIVE]...] [<scope>] [FOR <condition 1>] [WHILE <condition 2>] [REINDEX] <field> WITH <exp> - designates fields to be replaced by the value of the specified expressions. Multiple fields of a record may be changed by including additional <field n> WITH <exp n> expressions, separated by commas. ADDITIVE - adds text to the end of memo field text instead of replacing existing text. You can use ADDITIVE only when the specified field is a memo field in a DBF table. <scope> FOR <condition 1> WHILE <condition 2> The scope of the command. The default scope is NEXT 1, the current record only. REINDEX - specifies that all affected indexes are rebuilt once the REPLACE operation finishes. Without REINDEX, Visual dBASE updates all open indexes after replacing each record in the scope. When replacing many or all records in a table that has multiple open indexes, REPLACE executes faster with the REINDEX option. SKIP - moves the record pointer in the current or specified work area. Syntax SKIP [<expN>] [IN <alias>] <expN> - the number of records Visual dBASE moves the record pointer forward or backward in the table open in the current or specified work area. If <expN> evaluates to a negative number, the record pointer moves backward. SKIP with no <expN> argument moves the record pointer forward one record. IN <alias> - the work area (file handle) in which to move the record pointer. USE - opens the specified table and its associated index and memo files, if any. Syntax USE [<filename1> [[TYPE] PARADOX | DBASE] [IN <alias>] [INDEX <filename2> [, <filename3> ...]] [ORDER [TAG] <.ndx filename> | <tag name> [OF <.mdx filename>]] [AGAIN] [ALIAS <alias name>] [EXCLUSIVE | SHARED] [NOSAVE] [NOUPDATE]] <filename 1> - the table you want to open. IN <alias> - the work area (file handle) in which to open the table. You can specify the work area that is being used by another table, in which case that other table is closed first. INDEX <filename2> [, <filename3> ...] - index file ORDER [TAG] <tag name> - AGAIN - opens a table and its related index files in the current or specified work area, leaving the table open in one or more other work areas. ALIAS <alias name> - an alternate alias name to assign to the table. EXCLUSIVE | SHARED - EXCLUSIVE opens the table so that no other users can open the table until you close it; SHARED allows other users access while the table is opened. NOSAVE - used to open a table as a temporary table. When you close a table opened with NOSAVE, it is erased along with its associated index and memo files. If you inadvertently open a table with the NOSAVE option, use COPY to save the data. NOUPDATE - prevents users from altering, deleting, or recalling any records in the table. INDEX - creates an index for the current table. APPEND FROM - copies records from an existing table to the end of the current table. Syntax APPEND FROM <filename> [FOR <condition>] [[TYPE] SDF DELIMITED [WITH <char> | BLANK]] [REINDEX] <filename> - the name of the file whose records you want to append to the current table. FOR <condition> - restricts APPEND FROM to records in <filename> that meet <condition>. You can specify a FOR <condition> only for fields that exist in the current table. SKIP - moves the record pointer in the current or specified work area. Syntax SKIP [<expN>] [IN <alias>] <expN> - the number of records Visual dBASE moves the record pointer forward or backward in the table open in the current or specified work area. If <expN> evaluates to a negative number, the record pointer moves backward. SKIP with no <expN> argument moves the record pointer forward one record. IN <alias> - the work area in which to move the record pointer. GO TOP - move record pointer to first record GO BOTTOM - move record pointer to last record GO <recno> - position record pointer to <recno> RECCOUNT() - returns the number of records in a table. Syntax RECCOUNT([<alias>]) <alias> - the work area you want to check. RECNO() - for DBF tables, returns the current record number. Syntax RECNO([<alias>]) <alias> - the work area you want to check.