Re: Euphoria Interpreter design

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>And dare I say it, again, I can order a program much better (much more
>logical) that Euphoria could ever force me (or you).

Ok, how would that be? Here's the way I try to order my programs:

types WOULD go here... :)
lowest-level routines
low-level routines
mid-level routines
high-level routines
highest-level routines
main routine

Sometimes some constants come after globals (ie a sin and cos lookup table
is faster as a constant, but I need a temp variable to store it until I
assign it to the consant), but overall this works. If I want a low-level
routine, like drawing the status bar, I look near the top of my code.
(Actually, I should look in an include file... oh well.) I know that the
low-level routines can't call the main routine, etc. Euphoria's way of doing
things currently has not hindered me at all, but hasn't particularly helped
me, either.

Now, I'm not saying your way is bad, I just want to see it so I can want to
use it, too.

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