Re: Euphoria v.s. Python
- Posted by ddhinc <ddhinc at ALA.NET> Feb 23, 1999
Arlie Codina wrote: >>>>>>> Hi, I came across with another interpreted language called "Python". The description reads that it is oop, it has versions available in Mac, DOS, Win 3.1, Win 95, Linux, many flavors of Unix and others. It has support for Sybase, Informix, Oracle. Also ODBC and SQL. Has anyone tried Python? How is Euphoria better than Python? <<<<<<< Hi, I ran across Python several months ago and have used it for a few utilitity type programs for work. Python and Euphoria are simular in many ways. Both languages are interpreted. Both are easy to learn. Python has a flexible data type very simular to Eu's sequence type called a tuple. Both draw from their respective user communities to add new libraries and features to the languages, with some very talented people making contributions. Both consume relatively large quantities of memory for certain things. Here are the differences... Eu is a type-checked language, Python is dynamically typed. Python is object oriented, and IMO has implemented OOP very well... There are a few quirks, but it isn't bogged down with the all the (unnecessary) complexities that you encounter with C++'s OOP. Python has (IMO) a better error handling scheme than Eu. Python is cross-platform compatible (runs on linux etc.) Python is open source, you can modify it yourself if you can get it to compile. Python come with far more utility progs than Eu, some quite sophisticated, many quite useful. Python is a bit buggier than Eu. PythonWin (what I use mostly) has a bit of a problem with memory leaks. Python is slower, often much slower, than Eu. In my opinion, one language can't really be said to be better than the other. Both are very good languages. Both have many strongpoints that may make it the better language for a particular task. Both are worth learning. Regards, Christopher D. Hickman