Re: GAMES on Euphoria

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At 10:57 AM 1/31/97 PST, you wrote:

>i agree that Euphoria is well suited for business applications, and low-end
>machines. but i think realistically, there is not a lot of demand for stuff
>written in DOS /other/ than games. from a "business" perspective, i think
>that you are forced to move to Windows, or die. that may be one of the reasons
>you don't see a lot of "B" code. so i'm glad that we're getting hooks to the
>win32 toolkit soon.

VERY good point, Cuny. With Win95 and such, applications for DOS are dropping
like the cows on "Twister" (oh, that's a good example). Anyways, Windows is the
main (almost only) format for applications these days, and not ones you run in
the MS-DOS prompt. (hopefully games won't end up like this...)

The Reaper  (J. Lays)
reaper at  ........................
               . .. -||..........__......  "There are no miracles,
                . /  ||......../-- \\.::::  Just dreams that come true,
             . ..|   ||...... / o o| |.:::  By the actions of someone
               .|  _-||.......||   / /.:::: Who didn't waste time dreaming."
              ..| |..||...... -\_  \ |\-.:::
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                   ..||......|          |.::::::::::.
                  ...||.....|            |.::::::....
              . .....||.....|             |.:::.......
              ------ || --- |             | ----------
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