Re: GAMES on Euphoria

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At 11:35 PM 1/30/97 -0500, you wrote:

>So what do you guys think? Have I got a point or have I truly lost my
>mind? ;)

(I'm not sure if I should answer that... just kidding!) Man that was a long
letter! I know Euphoria is a great for applications, and we already saw some
interesting ones one the official page. The reason "I" talk about games is
because that's what I enjoy programming, and there are probably others who
would say the same. I'm young, watch too much TV, and have a short attention
span, so if I program I have to be making something cool or I won't finish it.
However, I will not deny Euphoria IS good for the "B" word, and I'm sure the
others here won't either. You made a tutorial in Euphoira to help people to
program in Euphoria, which I think is a cool idea.

The Reaper  (J. Lays)
reaper at  ........................
               . .. -||..........__......  "There are no miracles,
                . /  ||......../-- \\.::::  Just dreams that come true,
             . ..|   ||...... / o o| |.:::  By the actions of someone
               .|  _-||.......||   / /.:::: Who didn't waste time dreaming."
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