Re: Oidzone beta testing
- Posted by David Cuny <HW1.DCUNY at HW1.CAHWNET.GOV> Jan 21, 1997
*** Reply to note of 01/21/97 13:37 i find it disturbing that someone has been run off this list by your comments. you DID ask for people to make suggestions about your code. while the suggestions that you got were not what you were looking for, they were not unreasonable. for example, it is common practice to pack midi/wav files into a single indexed file, if only to make it more difficult to hack into the game. but instead, you responded to these suggestions by taking them AS IF THEY WERE personal attacks against you and your skills, and responded with an uncalled for vicious, PERSONAL attack against the poster. in all the postings, i didn't once read something that i construed Kirk as either "complaining" or "telling you what you don't know what you are doing". just because you've "worked your butt off" on your code (which i'm sure is as brilliant as you say it is) is no excuse for you to make personal attacks against people on this list. -- David Cuny