Is Year Leap

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Is a year a leap year?  The following Euphoria
function will tell you.

I converted the original C routine to Euphoria.
It is interesting to note that the year 2000 will
be a leap year.

Larry Gregg

-- SNIP ----------------------------------------------------------------

global function isyearleap(integer year)
--  Returns 1 if year is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
--  Source:  "Practical Algorithms for Programmers"
--  By:  Andrew Binstock and John Rex

   if not remainder(year,4) = 0 then       --  if year not difisible by 4
      return 0                             --  it's not leap
   end if
   if year < 1582 then                     --  all years divisible by 4 were
      return 1                             --  leap prior to 1582
   end if
   if remainder(year,100) != 0 then        --  if year divisible by 4,
      return 1                             --  but not by 100, its leap
   end if
   if not remainder(year,400) = 0 then     --  if year divisible by 100,
      return 0                             --  but not by 400, it's not leap
      return 1                             --  if divisible by 400, it's leap
   end if
end function

-- SNIP ----------------------------------------------------------------
--  And to exercise the function:

integer year, rc

year = 1581
rc = isyearleap(year)
printf(1,"\nYear=%4d, is leap year? %1d",year&rc)

year = 1582
rc = isyearleap(year)
printf(1,"\nYear=%4d, is leap year? %1d",year&rc)

year = 1949
rc = isyearleap(year)
printf(1,"\nYear=%4d, is leap year? %1d",year&rc)

year = 1964
rc = isyearleap(year)
printf(1,"\nYear=%4d, is leap year? %1d",year&rc)

for i = 1200 to 2100 by 100 do
   year = i
   rc = isyearleap(year)
   printf(1,"\nYear=%4d, is leap year? %1d",year&rc)
end for

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