Re: data analysis
- Posted by Kat <gertie at PELL.NET> Jan 17, 2001
David and Graeme, all i can say is wow, and thanks. David's presentation of the data is going to be easier to use first, but in the following test, David's didn't resync properly, and i think cause it is it trying to resync always on s2. In Sweigsdunka vs Zweigsdanka, it sync'd and found "weigsd", but then didn't resync properly on the "nka". It took the first 'a' from Zweigsdanka and went looking for it in Sweigsdunka, not finding it untill the end of the word. It thereby missed the common "nka". Swaping the words around didn't help David's code's results at all, but messed up Graeme's code's results in a new way. Is it possible to force which word is the primary sync in your code, David, in a way i can spec while it's running? Mostly, i'd be looking for the result with the fewest number of differences. /me is still studying the code.... David, a question, why do you find shortest string at the start, and then not do anything with len? Kat