64bit math ,, CChris ?
- Posted by Kat <KAT12 at coosah?.n?t> Jun 04, 2008
So i did this:
word w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 w1 = atom_to_word(16777216) w2 = atom_to_word(65536) w3 = mul_word(w1,w2) w4 = atom_to_word(12) w5 = add_word(w3,w4) ? w5
And this happened: C:\euphoria\64bit math\kattest.1.exw:10 type_check failure, w3 is {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,256,0,0},1} How is that possible? i defined w3 as a word, and the function returns a word, right? Kat