Re: goto: it's conceded
- Posted by David Cuny <dcuny at> Jun 02, 2008
Jeremy Cowgar wrote: >> OK, back to lurking. > > But why? Stay active There are a couple reasons. The main one is time: I've got too much on my plate as it is. The second is that I'm not really that skilled of a C coder. It's easy to write things in your own style - it's much harder to figure out something that someone else wrote, and stay with their coding style and philosophy. I say this having looked through the Euphoria source code, and having admiration for those who are currently maintaining it. A third is that I'm not sure that my hopes for Euphoria match most of those using it. If you look at wxBasic, you'll see my attitude toward language features: if I think it's cool and useful, and I can do it, I'll throw it in. I wrote my pre-processor and Py as examples of what I thought Euphoria could become. They ended up looking a lot like Python Lua. I'm not sure my idea of Euphoria would make many current users happy. I'd also endlessly promote wxWidgets being part of the GUI version of Euphoria. I think there should be a command line version, and a GUI version that's officially supported. Think of it: Even more posts to the already busy EuForum. Only it's me, so I'd be posting for better built-in support of hash tables, strings, and a HUGE (but enormously useful) GUI library as part of the official release of Euphoria. Me, posting the same darned things. Again and again and again. The mind reels at the signal to noise ratio. Most importantly, I don't use Euphoria on a regular basis, so I'm not current on the what's going on. I can't even can't keep current of everything on this forum. It's nice to see a lot of useful activity here, and depressing to see so much bickering and name calling. Anyway, if I think I've got anything useful to add, I'll be sure to do it. In the mean time, it's good to see progress with Euphoria. -- David Cuny