Euphoria to Java Translator
- Posted by David Cuny <dcuny at LANSET.COM> Jan 12, 2001
Well, I've got the Euphoria to Java translator working well enough that it's almost presentable. Anyone feeling adventuresome can download it from my site, at: The ZIP file (it's got long file names) contains the translator, as well as the latest version of Ox. [What Does the Program Do?] It attempts to convert a Euphoria program into a Java program. It's similar in concept to Robert's EC program. In fact, I borrowed heavily from the code the EC generates. There is absolutely NO documentation available, but the program's fairly easy to use. Type: ej <filename> to translate, compile, and execute the Euphoria program. [How Complete Is It?] Complete enought to translate and run demos and benchmarks like Queens, Sieve, Buzzword, and so on. But not much beyond that. The core grammar is more or less complete, although short-circuiting is not yet implemented. Many of the built-in commands are implemented, except for anything dealing with files. In contrast, very little of the library has been implemented. [How Fast It It?] At this point, not very. At least, not compared to Euphoria. I haven't really begun looking at optimizations. Besides, given that Robert takes special delight on optimizing Euphoria, and, by it's very nature, code converted to Java running a high-level implementation of sequences, there will always be a wide gap between Euphoria and the Java translation. On the other hand, I'm hoping that it will perform acceptably well for GUI-type applications, which is what it's intended for. [What's Next?] Short-circuiting, file support, more I/O routines. If anyone wants to help with this, let me know! A bit further into the future, a Win32Lib-compatible library using AWT or Swing. [In Case There's Any Confusion...] - I don't work for RDS - This isn't an RDS product - This isn't sanctioned by RDS and, of course: - This is pre-alpha quality code As always, feedback is appreciated. Thanks! -- David Cuny