Register with Ferd & Get RICH RICH RICH!
- Posted by "R. W. D." <filexfer3 at JUNO.COM> Jul 23, 2000
-- Ok , smart ass . You gonna have to pay for disks or CD . Really? Why? If I use only the Internet as a distribution channel, why would I have to pay for either? -- And if you use that thing between your ears... My NOSE? -- will know that you have to register your game !!!! Register the game that I wrote? With whom? Why? Confusion, confusion! -- That is gonna cost a lot of money! It is? If I write a utility and upload it to the Simtelnet archives, it doesn't cost me a penny, and it gets distributed to 100+ archives around the world. If you're trying to start a DISTRIBUTORSHIP, I'm sure it is expensive. But again, why would I (or anyone) need to employ a distributorship when we have the net? -- So please , don`t talk s%$t with me -- because I know a lot more of game publishing than you will ever know. Unlikely. But you go ahead and believe what you like. -- And, I all ready have lots of people who is making for my idea , And, I am sure they're all at least as smart as you. -- so I dont care the #$%@ about you . Aw. -- Never say I am useless , never. Right; that should have gone without saying. </irony off> Here's the bit that really tweaked me, though: You explicity stated that we should write a game and send it to you; then you'll send us a biiiig check. Writing a commercial quality game is a lot of effort. You want other people to do the effort and reap the rewards of their toil. In my opinion, your endeavour is, ah, somewhat transparent.