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 EU>Cole ? The suppossed-to-be nazistic new leader of Austria is called
 EU>Haider, and he's not even in the goverment, but his party is.
 EU>Indeed, we worry a little bit, but the fact is the people didn't
 EU>vote pro nazi in Austria, the voted against the current
 EU>establishment ...  the big fuzz is just a good symbolic reaction..
 EU>to set a tone.
 EU>You're reaction .. is pretty hypocrytical, considering the states
 EU>are the war country #1 .. and supplier/manifacturar of all means to
 EU>kill each other.

   America and Russia ; refer  Scientific American , June 2000 ;
 'The new face of WAR'.
   Both were keen on getting rocket scientists from Nazi Germany.

 EU>A few years ago, in Holland, a simelar party got some seats in the
 EU>2nd chamber, as we call it .. which is the vote area (you have the
 EU>governent: the coalition, which takes all initiative, yet all
 EU>parties get to vote all issues). This party was ignored. Made fun
 EU>of it, a little, but most importantly, it was NOT taken seriously;
 EU>that is the best approach ... don't take these people serious.

    Considering my geographical isolation , that should be easy.

 EU>So shut up about it already.
 EU>And for your information, I'm dutch holland, another 'unknown'
 EU>country since when is Sweden unknown ?) of people that don't speak
 EU>english all the time. Ohhhhh scary!

 EU>Ralf N.

    I've known Dutch immigrants to this country ; one was ex-hitler
  youth ; there are former SS guards living in Australia.
    Holland hand a resistance movement during WWII , I believe.

    A monoculture where only English is spoken , is probably , just as
  undesirable as one where German only is spoken ; a thought that has
  also occurred to me.

    Until recently , many european countries , were bad colonial powers ;
  something that the English, French, German and Dutch only be-grudgingly

 EU>nieuwen at
 EU>>    Are you certain the war ended 55 years ago ; perhaps you can
 EU>>tell this    to Cole and the new political party in Austria.
 EU>>    All of the English I know , speak only English , with an
 EU>>occassional    French phrase.
 EU>>    On this occassion I didn't grab a world map or consult with the
 EU>>  international telephone directory.
 EU>>    Stockholm , sounds scandanavian , 'tis swedish ; an unknown
 EU>country. >
 EU>>    This still doesn't explain why part of this site disappeared
 EU>>and where    one might , eventually , locate .
 EU>> On 2000-07-08 EUPHORIA at LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU said:
 EU>>  EU>On 8 Jul 2000, at 23:18, jiri babor wrote:
 EU>>  EU>> Beaumont Furniss wrote:
 EU>>  EU>> > The ballyhoo  webpage appears to be in kraut too.
 EU>>  EU>> Mr Furniss, the war ended some 55 years ago. jiri
 EU>>  EU>> ps Almost all Germans I know speak reasonably fluent
 EU>>English. You   EU>> obviously do not know enough even to recognize
 EU>>what you were   EU>>looking  at was not in German...
 EU>>  EU>The location gives it away as prolly not German too, it's
 EU>>  EU>physically in Helsingborg, outside Stockholm somewhere.
 EU>>  EU>Kat,
 EU>>  EU>too lazy atm to grab a map.
 EU>> Net-Tamer V 1.11 - Test Drive

Net-Tamer V 1.11 - Test Drive

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