What? No game libs?
- Posted by Jack Cat <catjackus at yahoo.com> Jan 11, 2001
What bugs me in Euphoria is that there are no good game libraries for it. Sure there is euAllegro for windows, wich is incomplete and restricted to win32, and there is Exotica wich crashes even more than a crashtest dummy, and is restricted to Win32, and has being discontinued, and finally there is Morfit for Euphoria, wich sucks white ass because Morfit does. Morfit must be the biggest piece of shit software ever written, excluding Windows, offcourse. What the hell is the fucking Morfit logo doing in my app at startup? Why can't I sell my game if it uses Morfit without being sued? And it's a poor crappy engine anyways. We should write a multiplatform games library for Euphoria, something like Allegro for C. A library that provides sound, joystick, 2D graphics, and 3D graphics features on DOS, Windows, and Linux. Actually, this kind of library exists. If you combine Neil with Mic's polygon fillers and add a frontend to use these features you get a multiplatform 2D/3D graphics library, and if you use the Sound Blaster library for DOS and the Windows API for Windows to provide sound, you have that too added to the library. Someone should write such a thing. And add some .3DS or whatever file loading caps to it. Actually RDS should add some fast polygon fillers, and some Sound code, to graphics.e. play_sound() and polygon_3d() isn't *that* much to ask for, and it would get more people to use Euphoria. The Nr. 1 reason for anyone below age 35 to learn a programming language in the year 2000 is; "To create my own games". This is a statistic you probably read on dozens of programming language sites. It's so strong a statistic that people started to create easy to use game programming languages such as DarkBasic, wich is like Machine Code compared to VB when comparing it to Euphoria. Look at Pete's Allegrophoria! Sure you don't have to add *that* much graphics functions to Euphoria, but still, it's an example. Ask anyone and they will agree that Euphoria should get some sound and 3D routines added to the standard library. RDS, add play_sound() and ploygon_3d() to the interpreter. NOW! hehe... Mike The Spike __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online! http://photos.yahoo.com/