Re: I need help FAST!!

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Mike The Spike writes:

> I need code that accepts a sequence of files like
> this; {"test.txt","crap.ex", ...}
> It should also accept a sequence of keywords like
> this;
> {"key1","crapkey2","shitkeyword3", ...}
> and that finally will replace every keyword it finds in
> every file...

Junko just handed me the following program that she wrote
a couple of years ago, just before we created safe.e.
She used it a couple of times for debugging purposes.
It hasn't been thoroughly tested, so be careful.

-- Utility to replace selected strings with new strings in
-- selected files.
-- Before running it, edit three constants: files, strings, direction.
-- Run this program in a directory where all the selected files exist.
-- Each time you run this program, it creates a new backup
-- sub-directory under current directory where original selected
-- files are copied and saved. All the selected files in the current
-- directory will be replaced with new files containing the
-- new strings.
-- Backups are made, but be careful!
-- Written by Junko C. Miura of Rapid Deployment Software

include file.e

constant files = {      -- list of all the files to be converted
    "yourfile.ex",      -- DO NOT put "safe.e" here
    -- etc.

constant strings = {
-- list of string pairs, {"fromString", "toString"}
    {"peek(", "safe_peek("},
    {"poke(", "safe_poke("},
    {"mem_copy(", "safe_mem_copy("},
    {"mem_set(", "safe_mem_set("},
    {"allocate(", "safe_allocate("},
    {"allocate_low(", "safe_allocate_low("},
    {"free(", "safe_free("},
    {"free_low(", "safe_free_low("}

constant direction = 1
   -- 1 = from "fromString" to "toString" direction
   -- 0 = reverse direction, ie, from "toString" to
   --     "fromString" direction

constant TRUE = 1
constant ERROR = 2

function replaceStrInOneLine(sequence line, sequence fromStr, sequence
-- Replace all occurrences of fromStr with toStr in a line of text
    integer prevIndex, index

    prevIndex = 0
    index = match(fromStr, line)
    while index != 0 do
        index = index + prevIndex
        line = line[1 .. (index - 1)] & toStr &
        line[(index + length(fromStr)) .. length(line)]
        prevIndex = index + length(toStr) - 1
        index = match(fromStr, line[(prevIndex + 1) .. length(line)])
    end while

    return line
end function

procedure main()
    integer fn1, fn2
    object line
    sequence fromStr, toStr
    sequence backup_dir

    -- find a new name for backup directory
    for i = 0 to 99 do
        backup_dir = sprintf("backup%d", i)
        if atom(dir(backup_dir)) then
        end if
    end for

    -- make a subdirectory called backup..
    system("mkdir " & backup_dir & " > NUL", 2)
    puts(1, "saving original files in " & backup_dir & " directory\n")

    for i = 1 to length(files) do
        system("copy " & files[i] & " " & backup_dir, 2)
        fn1 = open(backup_dir & "\\" & files[i], "r")
        if fn1 = -1 then
            puts(ERROR, "couldn't open " & backup_dir & "\\" &
files[i] & '\n')
        end if
        fn2 = open(files[i], "w")
        if fn2 = -1 then
            puts(ERROR, "couldn't open " & files[i] & '\n')
        end if

        while TRUE do
            line = gets(fn1)
            if atom(line) then
            end if

             for j = 1 to length(strings) do
                if direction = 1 then
                    fromStr = strings[j][1]
                    toStr = strings[j][2]
                    fromStr = strings[j][2]
                    toStr = strings[j][1]
               end if
               line = replaceStrInOneLine(line, fromStr, toStr)
            end for
            puts(fn2, line)
       end while
   end for
end procedure


   Rob Craig
   Rapid Deployment Software

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