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At 01:42 PostMer 12/20/96 EST, Daniel W Garrett wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
>Sender:       Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at
>Poster:       Daniel W Garrett <deathwarrior at JUNO.COM>
>Subject:      VIEWING bmp FILES
>How do I tell euphoria to display a bmp file in one a program?

It's pretty simple:

include image.e --include file
include graphics.e --include file
sequence s  --this is the variable that will be used to read the bmp file
s=read_bitmap("c:\\windows\\arcade.bmp") --the bitmap to be read, must use
double '\'s
                                         --in order to achieve reading from
a different

all_palette(s[1]/3) --use this to set the palette, see below(1)
integer mode --used so the graphics mode can be changed
mode=graphics_mode(257) --sets the graphics mode to 640x480x256, see graphics.e
display_image({0,0}, s[2]) --see below(2)

while get_key() = -1 do --waits for keypress
end while and quits
if graphics_mode(-1) then default graphics mode
end if

1) The all_palette routine is used to set the palette to display the image
        You can do without it but if you use PaintBrush to make the bmp,
        the colors come out wrong, so it is necessary.  Since the variable
        's' is a sequence it has two parts and in this case the first is
        the length of the palette s[1], and the other is the actual image s[2].
        (please correct me if i am wrong)
2) This displays the actual image on to the screen.  The {0,0} are the
        The s[2] contains the image info.

(please correct me if i am wrong)

Hope this helps,
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