How to associate a file to an bound exe Euphoria program.
- Posted by Andrew Katz <Akatz712 at> Apr 07, 2007
I wrote an application in Euphoria for MS Windows using Win32lib and the IDE. It can load and save files of a particular extension. I would like the ability to click on one of these saved files and have my program load this file. I already know how to open and read a file in Euphoria. What I need is: 1. Access to the code that executes on starting up a Euphoria application. 2. The format of the passed arguments when a user clicks on a file in Windows and how that is seen in Euphoria. I guess Derek would know this. And Judith can tell me where in the IDE such code can be placed. Andy Katz B.S. Computer Science, 1978 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)