Euphoria is 3 to 30 times faster than DJGPP! (warning! C code
- Posted by Jack Cat <catjackus at> Jan 08, 2001
I running a NEIL-based app and found it kinda slow. It sed NEIL's pixel() to flood fill the screen. I decided to benchmark NEIL's pixel() and found out it did a few thousand pixels per second in 640*480*16. I then ran TEST.EXE wich comes with Allegro for DJGPP and found out Allegro's pixel() routine drew tens of thousands of pixels per second. I thought: "Hell! Another major defeat for Euphoria...". But later on in the evening, I came accross a site promoting "the fastest way to draw to the screen in mode 19 using DJGPP". I looked at the sample program, and translated it to Euphoria by hand. And guess what? Interpretted Euphoria is THREE TIMES FASTER THAN COMPILED DJGPP C! That is, I compiled it with "gcc -o pix.exe pix.c", wich means no optimisations, but neighter does the interpreter, so... But it gets even better! When I translated this Euphoria program to C using EC.EXE, and compiled it with DJGPP, it was...hold on.. THIRTY TIMES FASTER THAN C!!! Don't believe me? Go ahead! Try it out! Here are the two benchmark programs written in C, and in Euphoria, and they are identical in every way. -------------------Begin C Code "pix.c"--------------- #include <dpmi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <go32.h> #include <sys/farptr.h> void set_mode_13h() { __dpmi_regs r; = 0x13; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); } void putpixel(int x,int y,int color) { _farpokeb(_dos_ds, 0xA0000+y*320+x, color); } void return_to_text_mode() { __dpmi_regs r; = 3; __dpmi_int(0x10, &r); } void main() { int t,cnt; set_mode_13h(); t = time(NULL); while((t+10) >= time(NULL)) { putpixel(10,10,20); cnt++; } return_to_text_mode(); printf("%d Pixels Per Second",cnt/10); } ------------------Begin Euphoria Code "pix.ex"--------- include machine.e include graphics.e include get.e procedure putpixel(integer x,integer y,integer c) poke(#A0000+y*320+x,c) end procedure integer cnt atom t cnt = 0 if graphics_mode(19) then end if t = time() while t+10 >= time() do putpixel(10,10,20) cnt+=1 end while printf(1,"%d Pixels Per Second",floor(cnt/10)) if wait_key() then end if ------------------------------------------------------- Go ahead, copy and paste these sources into files, and run pix.ex with Euphoria, and pix.c with DJGPP by typing "gcc -o pix.exe pix.c" on the command line. And see for yourself. Then, translate pix.ex to C using EC.EXE and compile it with DJGPP. The speed increased 20 fold. Am I doing something wrong here, or are these benchmarks correct? If they are, I see no reason why Rob can't put "Euphoria is 3 to 30 times faster than DJGPP in mode 13h!" on his site. Sure DJGPP is better at math and all, but using the Euphoria translator, this difference is not so big (when using integer math there is no difference). Now let's just get some more features in it and increase flow control speed a little, and we have the perfect language. Mike The Spike __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - Share your holiday photos online!