modified Gabriel Boehme's print.e

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Whatever happened to Gabriel Boehme?

Anyway, below is a slightly modified version of his print.e routine for 
printing strings as strings inside sequences.  I changed it so instead 
of outputting one character at a time, which is super-slow with Windows 
console mode, it just does a single "puts" at the end of the routine. 
Much faster.

-- Andy Serpa (renegade at

-- PRINT.E  v1.2     --
-- by Gabriel Boehme --
-- updated 3/28/2000 --

-- modified by Andy Serpa, 01/30/2002

-- This is an include file with a redefined print() routine, one that 
-- string-valued sequences as strings.  For example, normally when you 
-- something like this...
--      print(1, {5,"Hi!\n"})
-- would get this:
--      {5,{72,105,33,10}}
-- However, if you include print.e before this statement, you'll get 
--      {5,"Hi!\n"}
-- This is far more readable, and takes up less space, too.  The 
-- print() will find strings at *any* depth in a sequence, and it runs 
in about
-- the same time as the built-in print() -- faster in some cases!
-- Since it prints the strings out in a Euphoria-readable fashion, get() 
-- still read your data just the same as it did before.  Basically, you 
-- include print.e at the top of your program, and you don't have to 
-- another line of code!

-- Change History
-- --------------
-- v1.2   in "print", replaced "original_print" stuff with a "printf" 
-- Distribution Status
-- -------------------
-- This software is being contributed to the Public Domain.
-- Feel free to use it, abuse it, and/or modify it for any purpose.
-- Send bug reports or feature requests to:
--      gabrielboehme at
-- Disclaimer
-- ----------
-- I am in no way responsible for any damage, data loss, or any other
-- adverse effects resulting from the use/abuse/etc. of this library.
-- Acknowledgments
-- ---------------
-- Thanks to Wayne Overman, for convincing me that this was worth 
-- Thanks also to Robert Craig, for the beauty of Euphoria.

type string(sequence s)
-- verify that we have a valid Euphoria-representable string
-- (ASCII chars 32-255, 9, 10, 13)
object x
   for i = 1 to length(s) do
      x = s[i]
      if integer(x) then
if x < ' ' then
    if not find(x, "\t\n\r") then
       return 0
    end if
elsif x > 255 then
    return 0
end if
return 0
      end if
   end for
   return 1
end type

sequence out

constant ESCAPE_STRING = {"\\n", "\\t", "\\\"", "\\\\", "\\r"},
ESCAPED_CHARS = {'\n',  '\t',  '"',    '\\',   '\r'}

procedure PrintEuString(sequence s)
integer c, f
   out &= '"'
   for i = 1 to length(s) do
      c = s[i]
      f = find(c, ESCAPED_CHARS)
      if f then
out &= c
      end if
   end for
   out &= '"'
end procedure

procedure Print(sequence s)
integer len
object x
   len = length(s)
   if len and string(s) then
      -- print the sequence out as a string
      -- print the sequence out as...well, a sequence
      out &= '{'
      for i = 1 to len do
x = s[i]
if atom(x) then
    -- print out the numeric value
    out &= sprint(x)
end if
if i < len then
   out &= ','
end if
      end for
      out &= '}'
   end if
end procedure

without warning

global procedure print(integer file, object x)
-- print out any Euphoria object, with strings in quotes
   if atom(x) then
      -- just an atom, printf the value
      printf(file, "%g", x)
  out = {}
      -- a sequence!
   end if
end procedure

with warning


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