Re: Anyone done anything with the Euphoria Source Code?
- Posted by mistertrik at Jan 20, 2002
What about an 'exit' sort of proc, but one that can take a parameter.. eg... function check(atom a, atom b, atom c) return something end function for x = 1 to 100 do for y = 1 to 100 do for z = 100 do if check(x,y,z) then exit(3) end for end for end for So it would get out of all loops if check returned positive. The only way to do that right now is put the loop in a proc, and call return, or use lots of boolean flags.... not fun. >guess i agree, but to be more versatile, lets have the "continue" >pecify >here to continue to, to get out of deeply nested loops, without lots >of >flow >control flag setting and testing,,, rather like this (and notice how >each >section is nicely blocked out with comment-like tags for the continue() >statement!) : > >procedure demo_continue() >for ... >--code