Edit Control
- Posted by Euman <euman at bellsouth.net> Jan 11, 2002
Hello all, I need some help understanding Edit Controls. Specifically how you setup a GUI to react to keys and the exit method. Not everyone uses a mouse on their machine so how would you go about setting focus to another control. You have to maintain a TAB-key in the editor and an ENTER key is out of the question. I do know how to trap certain keys and send a message to the subclassed from the subclass "sending the message to itself", I do it like this. elsif iMsg = WM_KEYDOWN then if wParam = VK_BACK then junk = c_func(xPeekMessage,{tagMSG, c_func(xGetParent,{handle}), 0, 0, PM_REMOVE}) junk = SendMessage(handle, WM_CHAR, wParam, MAKELONG(1, 14)) --send it to ourself this traps the BACK-BUTTON in the edit control and sends a WM_CHAR message which I could inturn process further. Pretty easy stuff, right.. What key would I need to use? this will save me some time looking. TIA, Euman