dll headache
- Posted by void <void at xs4all.nl> Jan 07, 2002
I'm trying to create a dll to access C functions in an external program. The C program comes with an API, and includes source code, header files, lib file, makefile (from with I created obj files). I'm a beginner so I've read many messages in this forum about dll's and tried things like bcc32 -tWD ... and tried swig-eu, but I failed to build a working dll (no Export functions show up with quick view). The Euphoria part on how to read from a dll is clear, but building a dll from C source gives me headaches, I have tried things with Borland C++ 5.02 and Visual C++ 6.00, I also have Watcom. My questions for now are: What files are needed for a dll: *.c, *.h, *.obj *.lib ? Then how do build the dll from these files? Do I need to add C source code? (I'm trying to access the C functions of the Wordnet API http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/~wn (open source))